Ho Wing Sze Doubles Up from the Chip Leader
2023-09-10 00:00:00
Sze went check-raise all-in on the turn for a Jc 3d Th Qh board from the Small Blind against Hsiang who was sitting on the Big Blind. Hsiang made a reluctant call.
Ho Wing Sze TcTs
Hung Chien Hsiang Jd4d
Soon after Sze prayed to the God, she realized her opponent was already drawing-dead on the turn, which gave her a 100% safe double up.
Ho Wing Sze 2.1M
Field: 5 / 308
Blinds: 15,000/30,000(30,000)
Ave: 1,848,000
1st prize: NT$ 1,377,200

Takashi Yagura Doubles Up from Chien Dou Houng
2023-09-10 00:00:00
Takashi Yagura was all-in for his 550,000 stack from the CO, pre-flop.
Chien Dou Houng, who was sitting on the Small Blind made a call.
Takashi Yagura As5s
Chien Dou Houng AhKh
The 5c 8h Th flop brought about a sick domination-rotation by letting Yagura to hit a 5, but gave a nut-flush draw to Houng as well.
Turn 9c
River 3s
Yagura doubled up with letting the lucky flopped pair of 5s to hold until the river.
Takashi Yagura 1,100,000
Field: 5 / 308
Blinds: 15,000/30,000(30,000)
Ave: 1,848,000
1st prize: NT$ 1,377,200

Chien Dou Houng Was Eliminated in the 5th Place by kaoru Nozaki
2023-09-10 00:00:00
Kaoru Nozaki check-raised and went all-in on the river on a 5h Qs 5c 9c 3c board against Chien’s thin value bet.
After tanking for a while, Chien made a call and saw the bad news.
Kaoru Nozaki Kd5d
Chien Dou Houng Qd4c
Chien’s pair of queens were not good enough to beat Nozaki’s trips.
Chien Dou Houng
(5th place, NT$ 534,000)

Kaoru Nozaki Doesn’t Know How to Lose on the Final Table
2023-09-10 00:00:00
Kaoru Nozaki, who wax the chip-leader at the field of 4/308 players, went all-in against Hung Chien Hsiang’s 2.5BB open raise.
Hsiang made an all-in call.
Hung Chien Hsiang AdTh
Kaoru Nozaki JsJc
Board: 5d 9c Ks 9s Kc
Nozaki eliminated another player in a row.
Hung Chien Hsiang was eliminated in the 4th place, cashing out NT$ 635,200 for his prize.

Takashi Yagura Was Eliminated in The 3rd Place for The ASPT TAIWAN 2023 Main Event
2023-09-10 00:00:00
Blinds: 30,000/60,000(60,000)
Takashi Yagura went all-in for his 900,000 from the BTN. Ho Wing Sze made a snap call from the Big Blind.
Takashi Yagura Ac2c
Ho Wing Sze AsQs
Flop went JsQh6h, which made Sze’s hand into 96% favorite.
Although the Td on the turn helped Yagura by giving him some “chopportunities”, river bricked out with 8c.
Yagura was eliminated in the 3rd place and took back home NT$770,000 and a bronze medal.

2023-09-10 00:00:00
Blinds: 50,000/75,000(75,000)
After Nozaki open-raised to 225,000, Ho Wing Sze went all-in for 4M. It did not take so long for Nozaki to make a call for this all-in.
Ho Wing Sze Td6d
Kaoru Nozaki KdQd
Flop: Js 9d 9s
Turn: 8h
River: 2h
Nozaki finally got entire chips from the Main Event, which means he became the official champion of ASPT TAIWAN 2023 Main Event.