Jun Weng Ranks in the 3rd Place in the ASPT KOREA 2024 Player of the Series Leaderboard

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<Player of the Series 3rd Place Interview>
By winning 4 titles during the series, Jun Weng (Jullian) ranked in the 3rd place in the ASPT KOREA 2024 Player of the Series leaderboard.

🏆Classic NLH
(1st place/₩8,210,000)
🏆Masters 4-game Big Bet Mix
(1st place/₩5,536,000)
🏆Turbo Stud8
(1st place/₩2,096,000)
🏆Turbo NL2-7SD
(1st place/₩1,549,000)

・Congratulations Jullian! How do you feel about becoming the Player of the Series 3rd place of ASPT KOREA 2024?

- Jullian: "I feel so honored to be the Player of the Series 3rd place of ASPT KOREA 2024. But it would be great if I could win the 1st. I'll leave the task to the next ASPT series."

・Nice. You have won 4 titles during this series. How did you feel, especially when you got the first title?

- The first one is the NLH classic. As most poker players, I started playing NLH as my first poker game. So it's good to play against all the elite NLH players, especially my heads up opponent Mr. Nakai, and then win the title.

What made you decide to participate in this ASPT series?

- I'm trying to promote Mixed-Games to all the Chinese poker players, so I reached out to search for the mixed-game series. Obviously ASPT was on the top of the list when I dug a little. And also I heard from my friends saying it was a great experience last time when he played in ASPT. I thought I must participate in this series.

・Great hear that,Jullian. How did you find this series?
Please tell us about some good aspects of ASPT.

- First of all, the customer service was great; I could see that staffs listened to all the feedback from players, and made adjustments immediately.
Secondly, the one and only in Asia; various mixed-games tournaments throughout the whole series. Different buyin, different structures... I think it's the Heaven for mixed-game players, I shall say.

・Thank you. How did you think about the ASPT tournament structures, which Iori Yogo meticulously designed?

- Oh that's exactly what I wanted to give a big 100 score to! Iori must be a genius to design these tournament structures.
He is so experienced that the structures let the players from different levels and different bankrolls, to enjoy all kinds of poker games.

・Iori would be glad to hear that, Jullian!
May I ask you about your interests outside of poker? What do you like to do on your days off?

- I have been working as a product manager in the IT industry for more than 10 years. And now, I'm also trying to do something for the poker industry, using my experience of making user centered apps.
I feel that there are still some gaps between players and tournament series from all over the world. I want to build some bridges between them.

・Ok, but it seems like you are still talking about poker!

- Oh! What can I say, my life is 90% of poker right now! On my day off? I play badminton, squash and pickleball. I also read books, write Chinese calligraphy and play piano to relax myself.

・You have quite a lot of things to do other than poker!
Is there any person or event that had a major influence on your life?

- It's Yao Ming, I have to say. He is such a great player in basketball with such strong mental power. Being gentle but tough, serious but humorous at the same time.

・Oh, seems like you admire Yao Ming a lot. Does he also affected your playing style and your strength in poker? Please tell me about your playing style and your strenth.

- Actually, my playing style varies against different opponents. It's all about dynamics, and I've always been making strategies by myself.
When I feel that I am in my A-game, I make all the decisions from my ultimate goals, to the strategies, consider the future game solution, search for the GTO answers, and react to the dynamics, make adjustments, and then make the final action.

・Nice. Were you aiming to win the Player of the Series title for this series? If so, at which stage did you start to aim for it?

- Yes, when I won my 3rd trophy in Big Bet Master, I had a feeling that I must be in a good place to run for the POTS leaderboard. Then the trophy 4th came to me!

・Were there any impressive situations during the series?

- Yes, I remember an impressive situation in the Big Bet Master.
I entered the final table as the 2nd chip leader, even though I couldn't run well from the start of day 2. I lost almost all of my chips to 4 bigs when there are 5 players left. Luckily I got doubled up in NLH sb player's A4o vs my bb A8o, and again tripled up in 2-7 SD with one card draw to a 7 high.
Then I entered my "zone," by making a lot of adjustments based on the dynamics: ICM squeezes, overfolds, bluff catches... You know what's next, Eventually, I won my 3rd title.

・Do you have any rivals?

- Yes, it's alway been myself.

・Great Jullian! What are your expectations for the next ASPT series?

- Please keep on doing what ASPT has been doing until now!